3 min read

Evolve, in Time

Evolve, in Time

"That timestamping was the root problem to be solved is also apparent by examining the refer­ence at the end of the Bitcoin whitepaper. Out of the eight refer­ences in total, three are about timestamping." - Gigi

Bitcoin Is Time | dergigi.com
Keeping track of things in the informational realm requires keeping track of time.
The Bitcoin Standard Podcast - 73. Bitcoin and Time with Gigi - Listen on Fountain
In this episode Saifedean talks to software developer and author Gigi. They start by talking about Gigi’s book 21 Lessons: What I’ve Learned from Falling Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole, and why Gigi’s most important lesson is “you will not change bitcoin, but bitcoin will change you”. They move on to discuss the relationship between bitcoin and time. They cover how bitcoin solved the problem of reaching decentralized agreement on time and how bitcoin, as an unparalleled savings technology, serves to lower human time preference. The Q&A touches on topics such as the mind-boggling security of the SHA256 cryptographic hash function and threats to bitcoin’s future.Related links:Gigi’s book, 21 Lessons: What I’ve Learned from Falling Down the Bitcoin Rabbit HoleBitcoin is Time“Bitcoin derangement syndrome” explained by Urban DictionaryFor more discussion on Nassim Taleb see Episode #53: Allen Farrington’s Adventures with Fiat IntellectualsVideo recommended by Gigi on how hard SHA256 would be to crackGigi’s personal websiteGigi’s article: “Dear Family, Dear Friends, A letter to all of you who still have no bitcoin” on Medium, and on saifedean.com in ArabicLudwig von Mises’ discussion of how the expensiveness of gold production is “the minor evil” compared to the inflations caused by easy moneyFollow Gigi on Twitter Enjoyed this episode? You can take part in podcast seminars, access Saifedean’s courses and read chapters of his forthcoming books by becoming a Saifedean.com member. Find out more here.THE BITCOIN STANDARD TOOLKIT/SPONSORSNYDIG - https://nydig.comCyphersafe - https://cyphersafe.io/ OKCoin - https://okcoin.com/Nodl - https://www.nodl.it/Coldcard - https://coldcardwallet.com/CoinBits App - https://coinbitsapp.com/

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