3 min read

Satasha Nakamoto and the Last Bitcoin - v1.2

To stay included in the Global Consensus, mining is how individuals and nations secure their place in the world.
Satasha Nakamoto and the Last Bitcoin - v1.2

I turned twenty years old in Nashville on Leap Day - February 29th, 2104 - some time during Bitcoin Block 5,040,000. There were fireworks, and a parade that day. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, after years of deliberation, had classified Bitcoin as a native element, Atomic No. 121.

This was also at the onset of Bitcoin Epoch XXV, when the block reward was halved to ≑298. After this it would take all of the world more than thirty years, running at thousands of ₿reakout^Hash per second, to mine the one final bitcoin.

The accord reached between the 144 Nation States and the Global Bitcoin Consensus, meant that this last bitcoin was to be mined collectively over the coming decades into a locked UTXO with no spending script. This had been defined in the Proclamation of Perpetual Proof, the first ever global law, agreed on in the year 2100.

much love to TimeChain Calendar

My uncensored name is Satasha Lyn Nakamoto V. The mother of my great-grandmother was Satasha Nakamoto, who wrote the Bitcoin Whitepaper in 2008, and helped kick off The Battle for Main Street in the 'Hard Money Twenties.'

You can call me Sasha.

The main thing to understand about those early years of century twenty-two is the rain. So much rain. It would go on for days with no end in sight; and the clouds would hide the sun behind a veil of inky blue acid. When the sun would finally come out, the sky would be scorched with humid lightning. Once I recall one of those storms going on for three weeks.

I remember clearly because it had lasted twenty-one days, and coincidentally the day the storm ended was the day my parents helped me open my first lightning channel. I was ten years old. I still have that first ≑10.

Besides the obvious problems with this, what the torrential rain and low sunlight made it most challenging for everyone in society to do, was to mine bitcoin. Over the middle years of 'the oughts' a majority of global energy production had transitioned from fossil fuels into solar, despite lower output and exorbitant costs; in a disconnected response to climate change concerns. Over-engineered and over-imaginative laws and legislation designed to protect the world from itself, had trapped us all in an cloudy, electrified cage.

The world was starved for energy, and with contribution to global hash power the most important consideration for a nation to stay included in the Global Consensus, mining is how individuals and nations secure their place in the world.

It's been like this, since before I was born.

... To Be Continued ...

Artwork by Proof Bitcoin

Future Block Estimation: we love TimeChain Calendar

The Legends of Satasha Nakamoto is a collection of fictional stories written for entertainment and only vaguely based in historical fact. Storyline is imaginary, meant for enjoyment, and not meant to distract from the real-life figure of Satoshi Nakamoto; who discovered modern fire, shared it with the world, and remains anonymous to this day. Thank you Satoshi Nakamoto.