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Legends of Satasha Nakamoto: The Battle for Main Street

Legends of Satasha Nakamoto: The Battle for Main Street

During the early years, the first million bitcoin were mined by The Architect to more than 22,000 addresses. A handful of these UTXO's were spent during 2010, but had remained absolutely dormant since shortly after this formation of The Network. The world had come to accept that the elusive Architect had vanished, and the secrets to access these coin had been lost forever.

The entire planet felt like it was shaking on the day when those original bitcoin moved for the first time in almost twenty years, and were dispersed to 1,050 pre-selected individuals around the globe. The world-wide spectacle that this caused was indescribable. This occurred at the very start of Epoch VI, which began four months ahead of expectations.

Due to the entry of sovereign super powers into the Bitcoin mining ecosystem during the preceding years, global hash power had been on a meteoric ascent, with block times averaging 9m 9s during this cycle, despite countless upward difficulty adjustments. As a result the fifth halving of the bitcoin block subsidy to B1.5625 occurred 129 days earlier than anticipated, on 12/12/2027.  

future block estimate - TimeChain Calendar

Accompanying the one hundred billion sats sent to each of the 1,050 Keepers hand-selected by Satasha, a message was placed in the transaction challenge scripts:

You have been selected as a Keeper of the last remaining Freedom Money. It is your destiny to protect these sats from the chains of Wall Street, safeguard and proliferate Bitcoin, and use it for the good of All Humanity.

The World is Ours - Satasha Nakamoto
This was the genesis of The Battle for Main Street.
... To Be Continued ...

The Legends of Satasha Nakamoto is a collection of short fictional stories written for entertainment and only vaguely based in historical fact. Storyline is imaginary, meant for enjoyment, and not meant to distract from the real-life figure of Satoshi Nakamoto; who discovered modern fire, shared it with the world, and remains anonymous to this day. Thank you Satoshi Nakamoto.